2018.07 辦理海科館世界海洋日活動
2019.03 辦理大聯大控股植樹家庭日活動
2018-2023 辦理 SDGs 教育訓練課程 達 300 場
Hao Shi aims to "make sustainability in everything". We adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as our guiding principles and aim to collaborate with partners from all sectors in practicing sustainability. We use educational board games to teach about sustainability and explore different project ideas derived from sustainability .
1. 提升大眾對永續發展之認知
2. 將永續發展融入生活
1. SDGs 桌遊 教育訓練
2. 淨零碳排 教育訓練
邱鈞評 Ping, Chiu|共同創辦人