

  • 發布單位:公共參與科



2022年創新創業激勵計畫X民生公共物聯網計畫 創業傑出獎

與中華電信合作獲得 Asia Communication Awards 2022:Smart Places Project of the Year


鎮鎧科技/Chen Kai Technology (CKT)成立於2022年12月,以無人船相關開發與服務之公司,成員有無人載具與系統軟硬體專長外,也有豐富無人船相關應用服務經驗,目前專注於開發無人船應用於水面清潔與水域相關資料探測。


Founded in December 2022, we are a company specializing in unmanned surface vehicle development and services. Our team consists of experts in unmanned vehicles and hardware and software systems, with extensive experience in unmanned boat applications. Our current focus is on developing unmanned boats for water surface cleaning and aquatic data collection. We prioritize environmental concerns and aim to achieve profitability while embracing our social responsibility, focusing on clean water resources, employment, economic growth, and global sustainability cooperation. These areas form the core of our ongoing growth, and we aim to create a well-rounded business strategy that balances sustainability and economic benefits.




1. 無人船、無人潛艇

2. 水面垃圾清理、水質檢測、油汙檢測和清理

3. 水下地圖繪測


郭鎮銘 Liang|營運長

